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Hanover Landing

Grade: of 87 reviews

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Aug 2015: I don't even know where to start. I have been living here with my husband and two year old daughter since April 10th 2015. Upon moving here we had no issues within the first month and then things just started to go down hill. 1) our front door does not sit in the frame correctly, I can fit my pinky perfectly in the gap between the door and the door frame and when brought to the attention of maintenance I get, they're old apartments there isn't much we can do. So I had to buy weather stripping and fix the problem myself. 2) the upstairs neighbors are LOUD! I feel like they own a herd of elephants up there. Review from 8/14/15 on Apartment Ratings
Jul 2015: This was one of the worst experiences I have had dealing with an apartment complex in my entire life, and we did not even make it to the lease signing. First of all, the staff was horrendous. They were so rude and very belittling, and made us feel extremely unwelcome right after we paid our deposit. The manager was especially unhelpful, and went out of her way to be so. It was like pulling teeth to get a copy of OUR application agreement, she claimed it was not in the office. Upon request of a blank lease agreement her response was "I am a manager, I do not have one". Also, they told us without checking, that we needed a cosigner ($75 fee), when in fact we did not (verified by the same company, different complex) Review from 7/21/2015 on Apartment Ratings
Jan 2015: This is the worst place I have ever lived in. The windows are older then me they don't open very easy the first floor apartments don't get any light it's like a dungeon the heater didn't work well except in one room. The worst part was the roaches when we moved out we had to throw out every appliance that we owned because it was infested with roaches. The sewage would flood everytime it rain and when we came home from work we had to walk through 3 inches of human waste to get to the front door. When we lived there two people where shot in the parking lot because of dealing drugs in the complex.the original name was Chase Mooring and they keep changing the name so the reputation doesn't scare people away. Review from 1/30/15 on Apartment Ratings
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Nov 2014: I am extremely upset with this place. Although the staff is very nice, these apartments are infested with roaches. I have never had a pest problem in my life and having these roaches crawl around everywhere when I have a child in the home is just unhealthy. They have attempted to fix the problem twice but the buildings are so infested nothing has worked. It's so bad they crawl out of your dishwasher and have even found a way into the digital clock on the stove. I am a very clean person and can no longer live in this environment. Also their add states clean apartments with beautiful landscaping but they fail to mention the beer cans and bottles left laying all over from the same group of men that hang around on the sidewalks outside every night. Review from 11/11/14 on Apartment Ratings

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