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- 7 month lease
1 bedroom in 4 beds 4 baths.

(I&#;m looking for someone to sublease my actual room)

-ONE PRIVATE room in a 4 BATHROOM 4 BEDROOM house, $ per month.
-HILL COUNTRY PLACES, UTSA blvd San Antonio. minutes on foot to reach the main campus, it has 🚍 buses from . am until . pm every minutes.
-From mid-December ( December).
-FULLY furnished.
-3 👨 male roommates: two students, and one worker, all of them are not smokers, not 🍺drinkers and they are mostly away from the house during the day.
-open SWIMMING 🏊 pool (open am-pm), a /7 GYM, and also PARKING.

⚽Square ft²
4 beds x 4 baths: 1220 sqft

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