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- 2 month lease
1 bedroom in 2 beds 2 baths.

Offered: a bedroom + bathroom in a 2X2 apartment at the Ivy.
I am an international student and I am finishing up my master&#;s here at 💚 USF. I will graduate in May and will leave to go back to my country in the middle of May .
I am looking for someone to rent my room for the months June and July in . So, if you are new to the area and you want to settle in before starting your Fall semester in August, this is a great deal!

The kitchen and living room space is shared with a ❤️lovely roommate. She is studying hard and is respectful + 🎇clean in the shared spaces.
A dishwasher, ☢ microwave, ⛄ fridge, washing machine, and dryer are included.
In the bedroom, you can find a bed + mattress, a closet with sliding doors that are also mirrors, a desk + chair, and a cabinet with drawers for clothes etc.

The apartment complex offers great amenities, a beautiful 🏊 pool, a very great gym, a coffee machine filled with Starbucks, printers etc. On the website below you can find more information about the complex and see floorplans.

⚽Square ft²
2 beds x 2 baths: 758 sqft

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